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Mobility management for businesses and neighborhoods

The effects of urban traffic in the growing Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region do not stop when it comes to companies. Sustainability, accessibility, health, safety, and comfort are increasingly becoming conditions for contemporary employee mobility in companies. Where a large company parking lot and a company car were once enough to meet internal company needs, the requirements for company mobility have changed fundamentally.

Zuschüsse zu Maßnahmen des Betrieblichen Mobilitätsmanagements

Förderprogramm - WELMO:

Gefördert werden Maßnahmen entsprechend der Übersicht „Förderfähige Maßnahmen des Betrieblichen Mobilitätsmanagements“ (z.B. Investitionskosten in Einrichtungen (Gebäude, Anlagen) sowie Sachkosten (z.B. Sharing-, Pooling-Angebote, Implementierung eines Mobilitätsbudgets).

Wer die Förderung in Anspruch nehmen kann, was gefördert wird, wie die Förderung beantragt werden kann und auf was besonders geachtet werden muss, erfahren Sie hier.



Mobility of businesses means the mobility of people in the exercise of their profession, i.e. business trips and journeys, transport of goods or service trips (craftsmen, etc.), but also commuting to work and back home. The task here is to find alternative, environmentally friendly solutions and integrate them into everyday working life. There is a wide range of options to choose from.


We accompany you from the first steps to the implementation of sustainable mobility solutions in your company.

We would be happy to provide you with information on the various measures of corporate mobility management.

We network you with providers of mobility services and products, put you in touch with best-practice companies, and promote exchange.

In our event series, we work together with experienced partners to provide information about the opportunities and benefits of corporate mobility management. We network you with mobility solution providers and help you find the right offer for your company 

Corporate mobility management measures

There are a variety of implementation options for establishing corporate mobility management. The range of topics extends from the electrification of the vehicle fleet, the promotion of bicycle use or the introduction of mobility budgets to the integration of sharing services. We present various measures below.